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Schoolsworks Academy Trust


Schoolsworks Academy Trust believes that caring schools promote the welfare, health, safety and guidance of every child. We recognise that safeguarding and child protection is an essential part of our duty of care to all children and all staff have a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which children can learn. We understand that safeguarding, child protection and promoting the welfare of all children is everyone's responsibility and all staff have a role to play in protecting children. We recognise that our schools are part of a wider safeguarding system for children and work closely with other agencies to promote the welfare of children. We maintain an attitude of 'it could happen here' and we will always consider what is in the best interests of each child.


The Board of Directors have appointed the following director to oversee safeguarding policy across all of our schools:- Stuart Collins who works for West Sussex County Council as transport provision manager and has wide experience of handling safeguarding matters. He meets with the school DSLs regularly to review and share practice, as well monitor termly reviews of safeguarding held by the local SCCs. Stuart can be contacted on 01903 739988 if there are any concerns which have not been addressed successfully at school level.

See our trust Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy or see each school's policy on the relevant school website.

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